News & Events


See calendar for upcoming events.

Past Events


November 6: “The Ancient Law,” a silent film with live music by violinist Alicia Svigals and pianist Donald Sosin.


April 18: “Description for Life and Death: Holocaust Atrocity Photographs and the U.S. Press, April-July 1945,” Alissa Schapiro, Associate Curator, Skirball Cultural Center

April 13: “American Yiddishkayt: The Good, the True, and the Beautiful,” Jeffrey Israel, Williams College


April 30: Jews and Other Anti-Heroes in American Film and Television: A Conversation with Natasha Lyonne

October 22: “Writing History, Writing Biography: Capturing H.G. Adler’s Many Worlds,” Peter Filkins, Professor of Literature, Bard-Simon’s Rock College

October 2: “‘Thrice homeless?’ Gustav Mahler and Identity in Fin-de-Siècle Vienna,” Leah Batsone, Hunter College


April 26: “Refiguring Loss: Jews Remembered through Arabic/Amazigh Cultural Memory,” workshop

April 11: Jill Soloway in Conversation: Portraying Jews, Gender, and Sexuality in American Popular Media

November 15: “Nazism has Conquered our Entire World: The Grey Zone of the Mind,” Amos Goldberg, Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University

October 28: “Song of Songs,” a workshop with the artists of Book of J

October 25: “Song, Sound, Symbol,” a workshop with the artists of Book of J

October 25: Book of J performance

September 27: “Critical Theories of Anti-Semitism: Israel, Racism, and Post-Holocaust Judeophobia,” Jonathan Judaken, Professor of History, Rhodes College


April 12: Marc Maron in Conversation: Jews, Comedy, and the Secular Jewish Art of Intimacy

March 6: “Protean Masculinity: Hitler’s Soldiers and Germany’s 20th Century,” Thomas Kühne, Director of Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University


March 2: “The Photographic Heritage of Jews and Armenians in Framing Genocide,” Michael Berkowitz, Professor of History, University College, London

November 3: “Earth, Water, Fire: Classics Jewish Sources on Stewardship,” Jonathan Crane, Emory University’s Center for Ethics

November 3: “Arboreal Wisdom? Epistemology and Ecology in Judaic Sources,” Jonathan Crane, Emory University’s Center for Ethics

November 1: “Of Freedom, Fascists, and FDR: Ben Shahn’s Frescos for the New Deal,” Diana Linden, award-winning author and art historian

September 19: “Black Earth: The Ecological Politics of the Holocaust,” Timothy Snyder, Bird White Housum Professor of History, Yale University


May 12: “White City, Black City: Architecture and War in Tel Aviv and Jaffa,” Sharon Rotbard

April 19: “Why Religion No Longer Matters in American Politics,” Mark Oppenheimer, author and writer for the New York Times and The Nation

March 16: “Son of Saul,” a film by director László Nemes, with post-film discussion

March 15: “Remapping Survival: Jewish Refugees and Lost Memories,” Atina Grossman, Professor of History, The Cooper Union

October 19: Siblings and Rivals: Muslims and Jews in France Since World War I,” Ethan B. Katz, Assistant Professor of History, University of Cincinnati